Cannon School is seeking a dedicated and dynamic Football Program Director/Head Coach to lead its football program. Cannon School’s football program is comprised of students from both Cannon School and Concord Academy. This role involves developing a comprehensive vision for the program based on the core values and mission statement of Cannon School that ensures continuity from middle school to varsity levels. The ideal candidate will focus on building a strong, competitive program while maintaining a positive, relational, and developmental culture for student-athletes. Responsibilities include establishing performance standards for competition, evaluating player abilities, and promoting off-season commitment to strength and conditioning programs.
The Football Program Director will also oversee the growth of assistant coaches, involving them in planning practices, game-day operations, and communication. Collaboration with the athletic training staff to ensure player health and safety is essential. The candidate will coordinate camps, clinics, and outreach efforts to strengthen community engagement and cultivate relationships with the broader Cannon and Concord-area communities.
Additionally, the role includes creating off-season and summer workout programs tailored to athlete development, encouraging commitment to performance goals. The Football Program Director will demonstrate a willingness to grow professionally by engaging in annual development opportunities and participating in pre- and post-season evaluations with the Athletic Director. The individual will also take on additonal duties outside of coaching within Cannon School, which may include teaching, advising or athletic administrative duties. This is an exciting opportunity to lead a football program comprised of athletes from two independant schools and inspire a culture of competitive excellence, teamwork and personal growth.